Commercial Cannabis Regulations

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The City of South San Francisco allows the following cannabis businesses to operate with the necessary approvals from the City of South San Francisco and the State of California:

Cannabis retail businesses are not a permitted use in the City of South San Francisco. 

Commercial Cannabis Regulations

For additional information about the City's regulations and requirements of commercial cannabis businesses, see the South San Francisco Municipal Code Chapter 20.410: Regulation of Cannabis Activities.


What permits do I need to start a commercial cannabis business?

To operate a commercial cannabis business in South San Francisco, you must:  

  1. Apply for a Conditional Use Permit. You must apply for a Conditional Use Permit and receive approval by the Planning Commission. The Conditional Use Permit is valid for five years from the date of issuance and will need to be renewed after five years. Click here for the Conditional Use Permit application - see "Applications" > "General Applications" > "Planning Application"

  2. Meet the location requirements. Your proposed business must meet the following location requirements:
    • Operation can only be located in certain zoning districts; and
    • Operation must be located a minimum of 600 feet from residential uses, schools, day care centers, and youth centers.

3. Meet the operational requirements. These may vary by type of business, but typically require:

  • Compliance with State Law
  • Visibility limitations
  • Odor control
  • Volatile solvent control system
  • On-site Quality Control personnel
  • Security and Fire Safety Plan, and
  • Operating Agreement with the City of South San Francisco.

4. Meet the security requirements, as set forth in SSFMC Section 20.410.010

If approved, you will also need to apply for an Operator Permit, a business license, pay an annual community benefit fee, and pay an annual cannabis business tax.

What licenses and fees are required to operate a commercial cannabis business?

Step 1: Applying for a Conditional Use Permit 
When applying for a Conditional Use Permit to operate a commercial cannabis business, you will be required to pay the following fees:

  • Conditional Use Permit application fee
  • City Attorney review fees
  • Environmental processing and legal noticing fees
  • Technology fee & any other applicable fees for Conditional Use Permit application review

Step 2: Annual Licenses and Fees
If your Conditional Use Permit is approved, you will be required to apply for the following licenses / permits and pay the associated fees:

  • Cannabis Operator Permit application fee – Businesses must apply for an Operator Permit and receive a valid permit from the City. The permit must be renewed annually. Click here for the Operator Permit Application(PDF, 914KB). For more information, see SSFMC Section 20.410.009: Operator Permit Requirements.
  • Cannabis Operator Permit – annual fee
  • Business License – must be renewed annually & has an annual fee
  • Community Benefit fee – annual fee
  • Cannabis Business Tax (Measure LL) – annual fee 

I have questions. Who can I contact?

For questions, please reach out to the Planning Division at or 650-877-8535.