What is the design process?
The three key phases to community engagement during the design phase are:
Phase 1: Visioning: March - May
Phase 2: Alternatives Designs: June - July
Phase 3: Final Concept: September - October
How can people share ideas and inform the design?
Engagement activities will include Open Houses, Pop-Up Events, Stakeholder Interviews, Focus Group Meetings, and Surveys. Be sure to sign up for the mailing list to receive notices about future outreach opportunities.
How can I stay informed about the design?
The project webpage will include latest designs, upcoming engagement opportunities, and past meeting materials. Be sure to sign up for the mailing list to receive notices about future outreach opportunities.
How can I learn about engagement opportunities?
How are you reaching out to the community?
Regular email newsletters, direct mailers, hand delivered flyers, social media, word of mouth with community members.
Is the site contaminated?
Gasoline and waste oil underground storage tanks were removed in 1993, and an environmental case was opened and overseen by San Mateo County Groundwater Protection Program. Between 1993 and 2001, 440 tons of contaminated soil were removed from the property and groundwater samples were collected routinely. Extensive soil testing was completed in June 2023 and again in February 2024. In accordance with state and county health department policy for former gasoline station sites, testing confirmed the site is safe for use as a park.
Will there be on-site parking?
Design alternatives will explore opportunities to create street and on-site parking.
Will Pine Ave. be closed as part of this project?
Circulation options are being explored, some of which include closing Pine Ave to through traffic. All options, if considered, will include circulation for emergency vehicles, trash pick up, and neighborhood egress.
Will there be a restroom facility at the park?
Generally, neighborhood parks do not have public restrooms.
How will the park be maintained?
The City is committed to providing regular maintenance of the park space, including plantings, irrigation, lighting and general cleaning.
How is the project funded?
The project is funded through a combination of State Grants, Park Impact Fees and developer contributions.