Cultural Arts


Cultural Arts Programs

About Cultural Art Programs

Cultural Arts Programs encompass several objectives that promote and encourage community interest in arts, culture and creative expression. These goals are realized through three major components: the Public Art Program, the Art Gallery Program and Youth in Arts. An invaluable aspect of accomplishing these objectives is the work done cooperatively with other agencies and the private sector to accomplish goals of mutual benefit.

Public Art Program

The Public Art Program provides for the installation of temporary and permanent art accessible to viewing at public and private locations throughout the City. In addition, projects have included renovations of treasured icons, embellishment of City entrances and parks and beautification of the downtown area. Over the past 30 years, the City has acquired an artwork collection that includes over 40 permanently sited, interior and temporary artworks. Artworks may be viewed online at the Interactive Public Art Map.

Art Gallery Program

The vision for the Art Gallery Program is to present exhibitions that reflect a wide spectrum of art styles and media crossing all areas of art and interest groups. This is accomplished via a series of quarterly art gallery exhibits designed to showcase the creativity of local and Bay Area artists. From experienced to novice, artists participate in visual arts shows occasionally enhanced by performing arts presentations. In 2023, a solo artist exhibition was introduced at the new Library | Parks and Recreation Center. Established artists were selected to exhibit art from their body of work for a three-month period.

Youth In Arts

Cultivating and showcasing the talent of the next generation of artists is the aim of the Youth in Arts programs. Current and past youth art programming include exhibitions such as art displays by Recreation Department pre-school and childcare participants, and the annual Youth Art Show presented in collaboration with the South San Francisco Unified School District.

A scholarship program for graduating South San Francisco Unified School District high school seniors was established by the Cultural Arts Commission for the purpose of providing the recipients with an opportunity for continued education in the arts. Financed exclusively by community donations and fundraising dollars since 1999, the Jack Drago Cultural Arts Commission Youth Art Scholarship has awarded forty-eight (48) deserving SSF Unified School District graduates.

Support SSF Arts - Donate

Please Donate to Enable Our Community to Connect, Unite, Inspire

Support the vision to promote diversity in art, culture and creative expression for all people. Your donation will fund the “Jack Drago Cultural Arts Commission Youth Art Scholarship” and other vital art programs.

The Jack Drago Cultural Arts Commission Youth Art Scholarship was established in 1999 for the purpose of providing eligible graduating seniors from the South San Francisco Unified School District continued education in the visual arts. The scholarship is financed exclusively by community donations.

We are asking for your help in any amount. Contributions to the Youth Art Scholarship and other SSF Cultural Arts programs, may be made by sending a check to: “City of South San Francisco.” Please be sure to write “Donation-Cultural Arts” on the memo line. Mail your donation to Cultural Arts Programs c/o SSF Parks & Recreation Department, 901 Civic Campus Way, SSF, CA 94080.

A donation may also be made with a credit or debit card. Please phone the Parks and Recreation Department administrative phone line at (650) 829-3800, Monday through Friday, during business hours for assistance or email

Your donation is tremendously appreciated.

Visit the News & Events page for information on this year's scholarship recipients.